Our History! Our Heritage! Our Culture! Language!
staesa culture, language, drumming and dancing lessons program connects our volunteers and interns to the heart of the people. Our interns and volunteers are exposed to a visit to traditional leaders, culture performances, local languages, local drumming and dancing, how to use some special African dresses, and preparing of local food.
This program can be combined with teaching in schools, helping in the orphanage, media, helping in the hospitals and helping on the construction project.
This program also gives our program participants to improve upon their French and English language. Program participants attend two hours to fours hours a week language lessons.
This is the program for you to improve upon your French Language lessons and if you are from a none English speaking country and you want to improve your English language skills you can also join this program. Free African dress, free drumming and dance lessons are available in some countries.
At the end of the program you will be acquiring something unique of Africans. We have lots for you.
Working hours: 8:00 am till 4:00 pm
Free days: Weekends
Who can join: Everyone 15 years and above
When to arrive: Anytime in the year
Any experience required: No previous experience required
Placement type: Rural and urban settings
Accommodation: Host family, Volunteer house
Can I cook myself Yes
Good toilet facility: Yes
Running water: Yes
Electricity: Yes
Security: 24/7
Can I come alone: Yes
Can I come with a friend: Yes